Monday, December 30, 2013

Hari Surya ☼

I catch ya, bloggie! Been busy as popcorn on a skillet with school and the other stuff that drive me insane. It's 5.30 in the morning finally I have at least a second to click the "new post" button, such a refreshment...

So honestly this is kinda late to share but also too cute to hide then I'm showing you guys my group's photo session for our year book event :-D it was couple weeks ago I don't clearly remember hehe.
Arsyad, Adi, Milla, & Dinda 

We got Hari Surya as the theme! HERE WE GO THE LOVELY DAY YAYYY!

I t ' s   a   w r a p !

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013


Tidak seperih disunut rokok
Hanya seperti digigit semut merah
Menyisakan sedikit sesal yang belum bertemu akhirnya
Membuat dada terasa panas
Mengapa diri pernah mengabaikan yang memberi dengan sukarela
Tidak, mungkin hanya sedang rindu saja

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Apa iya?

Pagi ini saya berpikir tentang diri saya sendiri. Diri saya yang entah, mungkin terlalu suka menutup diri. Saya bukan tipe orang yang senantiasa menceritakan apapun yang ada didalam benak saya ataupun hati saya kepada orang lain. Seterbuka nya saya, hanya dalam kata-kata dengan makna tersirat yang saya tulis di jejaring sosial. Bila ada yang bertanya, mengapa? Hanya tidak apa-apa lah jawabannya.

Saya sudah biasa seperti ini, sampai saya merasa, ketika saya punya beban sebesar dunia dan tak membaginya, menjadi hal yang sah saja. Menangis? Sering. Apa yang dilakukan seseorang bila tak ada bahu untuk bersandar? Menumpahkan emosi dalam beberapa tetes air mata tentunya.

Terkadang saya pun bertanya-tanya, apakah saya yang terlalu suka menutup diri, atau memang dunia yang sengaja menutup pintunya agar saya tak bisa masuk? Bila memang yang kedua, apakah itu karena yang pertama? Bila memang yang pertama, apakah itu karena yang kedua? Tetap tak ada jawaban.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Happy Turning Sweet 17, Dinda ♥

Hai.. Jadi ini tahun 2013. Which means.. 17 tahun yang lalu gue lahir, di kota yang nan-jauh di mato yaitu Ambon (pasti gada yang ngira :-p). Jadi saya lahir disana ketika Papa pindah kerja kesana. Well.. Saya mirip org Ambon dikit kulitnya hihi ^_^ tp sebenernya lagi gapengen ngomongin itu sih, lagi mau ngomongin tentang tanggal 9 yang lalu, dan setelahnya..

Tanggal 9 kemaren gue ulang tahun, yang ke 17. Uniknya adalah, gue ulang tahun saat gue lagi pergi ke tanah suci. Alhamdulillah, rahmat Allah begitu besar :'D bahkan saat ulang tahun pun, di doain nya sama Papa dan Mama didepan Ka'bah. Walaupun di hari ulang tahun ga sama keluarga full atau temen-temen, tapi rasanya sangat dekat dengan Yang Di Atas itu ga ada yang gantiin.. Walaupun ga ada perayaan apapun. Tapi gue bersyukur.. Padahal waktu sebelum gue berangkat agak gimana gitu mikir mau ulang tahun disana pasti kesepian, ternyata ga sama sekali :'3

And what else? Bbm dan Twitter gue rame dengan mentions ngucapin ulang tahun dengan beribu wishes yang gue sangattt sangattt seneng karena ternyata mereka merhatiin tiap detail yang ada di diri gue. (Semua orang juga twitter-nya rame sih kalo ulang tahun.) Oh iya! Gue diucapin juga loh sama Harry & Liam! KYAAAAAA wkwk ngga deng.. Ini Nuvi yang bikin........

Waktu gue pulang, tanggal 11 waktu itu, tiba-tiba di kamar gue udah ada satu paper bag teddy bear..

Dari Mas Yudha-Mbak Dian-Arsyad 

Semua yang serba Paris ini.. Dari Loura  

Kiriman yang super jauh ini, dari (blm nanya namanya boleh disebut atau tidak ._.)...

Tas yang cuteness-nya overload, dari Narat Dhea Jovi  (kata Narat gue dikasih ini karena gue suka yang aneh-aneh...)

Dari @InterB2014 waktu bukber di rumah gue, love you guys to the core 

Dari Papah ♥, foto keluarga nya menyusul! :-P

Well.. The nicest thing about my birthday is to know that people care, dan gue sangat bersyukur karena punya temen-temen dan keluarga yang terbaik ada di samping gue. I am truly the luckiest person on earth. :-)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Five (Hundred) Days of Summer: 1

This day was Friday, the day we all had been waiting for. After clearing the exams for about a month, struggling with papers, finally the holiday came. We were going to go to Beijing, China! Wait.. It was not only that country that we wanted, but also the togetherness which was rarely to happen

We were more than 100 heads, including teachers, students, and a very kind cleaning service :'D. Happily, 19 out of 24 students in my class were joining this kinda event.

It was when we were in the airport, terminal 2E gate E3, with the other pals, we lined up (not really actually), and entered the waiting room together. Laughter everywhere, probably we were that excited. Well, it was 8 at night, our flight was gonna be on 9.30 pm. It took 7 hours to be on the clouds.. long enough to cause a backache.

Alright, no even needed to take a cold shower (but brushed our teeth), we were directly heading at the morning to Mutianyu Great Wall. Someone broke the silence.. "I can't believe we are here, it's been forever we've only seen this great wall from pictures as one of those 7 wonders in the world." :') the one was Milla.. And of course, we didn't reach peak on foot, we used a cable car, but it was quite terrifying as well, because the way was so steep.


After having a foothold at the top, okay, we got hypnotized by the scenery, it was unbelievable. We felt a little nip in the air, sunny but wasn't killing. And it's been awhile, but I still feel the same. *salah*... After quite awhile, we chose to go downstairs, so manyyy cute things to buy there, but our tour guiders said that everything there was (is) a bit expensive and I didn't buy anything. It was a regret anyway :')

We had a photostop at a very unique building named CCTV building. Somehow it wasn't the only 'different' building there. Every-single-building in China has a crazy architecture. I could say that none of them having a shape literally like a bar.. And you know, the city Beijing is very similar to Jakarta, but the number of vehicles isn't as many as in Jakarta :3 unfortunately we stopped at a place which was very near to the building, so I couldn't take a picture well, therefore the picture below, I got it from Mr. Google ^^

Now, Temple of Heaven! Heeem, when we steped the place, we were shocked by choirs with sucha amazing voices. Wondering if they just wanted to have fun or they are there everyday. People playing cards at the corners, playing musical instruments. It was like everyone got united in differences :'D

At night we met the one we had been waiting for 2 days, BED! Me and Nuvi, got the room 1025 :-) happy resting! Okaaay, stay tuned for the other stories, fellas :-D

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Call it: A Day

Here I am typing in the middle of my pillows (and my as level exams), with my stomach that's screaming because I am desperately hungry. My television is watching my back right now. (I apologize for that). So what I'm going to tell you tonight is that I'm sooo blissful. Today was really a day. Let me show you some little things. (btw I know Nuvi and Narat also are going to post something about this day, just like me, but it's no skin off my nose bcs we were having fun together :'))

This morning, me and my buddies (narat nuvi namsoy don joddy dito aldy arsyad adi) were on the way to.. Tangerang!!! We had planned to go to Joddy's rice-field :-D. YAY this probably was the answer of my statement couple days ago:

But at first, we went to a resort, the boys were swimming. I didn't expect the swimming pool and the surroundings would be that awesome, just by paying 30,000 rupiahs each person, who'd swim. It was like somewhere in neverland /halah/. It was similar to resorts in Bali, even though we can say that this resort is nowhere in the city. Yes and then us, as ordinary girls, we took pictureSSS. Of course the boys too......

It was 2 pm sharp and we left. As a cow flies, Joddy & Aldy's cars were running to our main destination: RICE-FIELD! (after we stopped by a Rumah Makan Padang, and took away the foods).
Finally we arrived ;-D the view was stunning, the wind was so pleasant as well. We directly entered the mini house at the edge of the field, then we were eating there voraciously, as we were watching the scene, babbling, laughing, anything.

It was all more than I told you above. It was all more. For me, it's not about where and how. It's all about with whom sometimes. About joking around and the feeling of a unique happiness.. Thank you for today, fellas♥ high school never ends, kata Narat ^_^